"Physicians pour drugs of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, into humans of which they know nothing." — Voltaire
Knowledge is more than power, it can save lives
What would you say and do if you realized that everything you knew about the so called disease cancer is totally not what you were told. What would happen if everything you were told about cancer was not true. We are told that we have no control over this. What if you truly realized that the current orthodox medicine ways of treatment is torturous, brutal, ineffective and killing more than giving life.
According to Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer the founder of German New Medicine, cancer is not the result of a malfunctioning organism.
A tumor always serves a biological purpose or is found in the healing phase of a disease. A tumor means excess cell productions or cell proliferation that the body manufactures naturally in response to a distress or when it finds itself in danger in order to protect or improve the function of the organ or tissue .
A tumor is not a malfunction of a cell, organ or tissue. Tumors ( cell proliferation) don't have to be destroyed, they will be discarded by the body naturally when their biological purpose have been accomplished.
So, seeing things from this perspective we realize that medical treatments like chemo, radiation, drugs, etc are literally killing the organism and it natural functions that are always designed to help and heals us.
Our organism and it functions are never against itself. It always tries to protect and heal itself by whatever means necessary, it is the human mind that interprets this as a disease or a malfunction and tries to intervene and solve the situation ignoring and destroying in the same time the natural capabilities of the body that has been developed over thousands of years.
In fact a so called tumor can appear when the tissue or organ function is creating more disposable cells ( tumors) to help in the healing process. They will be discarded when the process and their usefulness is finished.
So a tumor volume is the result of cell proliferation or excess cell production, all starting and being controlled by the brain which at its turn is under the influence of the psyche.
The brain and the organ resonate in the same frequency or in the same rhythm, in a target like fashion. The cephalic brain sends commands to the organ brain, e.g. motor command, whereas the organ brain sends information to the cephalic brain, e.g. sensory information.
The German Cancer Research institute of Heidelberg says that 98% patients treated with chemotherapy and morphine die.
According to epidemiologist and biostatistician Dr. Ulrich Abel, “Success of most chemo-therapies is appalling…There is no scientific evidence for its ability to extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancer… Chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for surgery, which accounts for 80% of all cancers, is a scientific wasteland.” (Lancet 1991)
Our minds have been infected with fear and panic about the so called cancer disease. Been pushed constantly between hope and panic in a situation that is the most difficult for the patient creates the cause for the worst of complications. Fear causes stress that is completely detrimental to ones healing. Panic triggers more stress and psychological conflicts and trauma that directly affects the body thus slowing down or even putting on hold the healing process.
Fear and panic is the most affluent in cancer patients and it drains the body of vital healing energy. The more fear and panic present the more vital healing energy is leaving the body and so the patient can't heal and develops complications because the body doesn't have the energy necessary to facilitate and sustain the vital functions of the organism and the natural healing process.
If the patient has lost and depleted 50% to 60% of the healing vital energy that would sustain the healing process it is very difficult for that patient not to have complications as the body does not have the resources and can not sustain itself anymore. We can see the utmost importance of providing the patient with new, fresh energy, the life force required for the body to continue the natural biological healing process.
The human organism is always heading towards healing, is the natural process, but our psyche with its fears, conditioning, beliefs, doubts and indoctrination can over power the brain and create conflicts which hamper the healing process and consumes all the vital life force need it for healing. As the cells need continues energy in their healing process that demand must be provided and psychological states of fear and panic, worry and uncertainty must be dealt with through knowledge and wisdom by understanding that what we have been told about diseases and cancer is not true, that all dis-eases are born in the mind or psyche ( by shocking psychological traumas, events and circumstances) which has a direct influence on the brain thus affecting the whole body, so by recognizing,correcting, dealing with efficiently and forgetting that specific psychological conflict we can undo the whole dis-ease process.
Energy healing offered here for cancer or other serious die-eases is a kind of knowledge that sustains the body during intense healing process and psychological resolution. It also not only sustains the organism with the work of healing but also provides the body with new reserves to continue the natural biological healing that we mistakenly call disease.
According to Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer the founder of German New Medicine, cancer is not the result of a malfunctioning organism.
A tumor always serves a biological purpose or is found in the healing phase of a disease. A tumor means excess cell productions or cell proliferation that the body manufactures naturally in response to a distress or when it finds itself in danger in order to protect or improve the function of the organ or tissue .
A tumor is not a malfunction of a cell, organ or tissue. Tumors ( cell proliferation) don't have to be destroyed, they will be discarded by the body naturally when their biological purpose have been accomplished.
So, seeing things from this perspective we realize that medical treatments like chemo, radiation, drugs, etc are literally killing the organism and it natural functions that are always designed to help and heals us.
Our organism and it functions are never against itself. It always tries to protect and heal itself by whatever means necessary, it is the human mind that interprets this as a disease or a malfunction and tries to intervene and solve the situation ignoring and destroying in the same time the natural capabilities of the body that has been developed over thousands of years.
In fact a so called tumor can appear when the tissue or organ function is creating more disposable cells ( tumors) to help in the healing process. They will be discarded when the process and their usefulness is finished.
So a tumor volume is the result of cell proliferation or excess cell production, all starting and being controlled by the brain which at its turn is under the influence of the psyche.
The brain and the organ resonate in the same frequency or in the same rhythm, in a target like fashion. The cephalic brain sends commands to the organ brain, e.g. motor command, whereas the organ brain sends information to the cephalic brain, e.g. sensory information.
The German Cancer Research institute of Heidelberg says that 98% patients treated with chemotherapy and morphine die.
According to epidemiologist and biostatistician Dr. Ulrich Abel, “Success of most chemo-therapies is appalling…There is no scientific evidence for its ability to extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancer… Chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for surgery, which accounts for 80% of all cancers, is a scientific wasteland.” (Lancet 1991)
Our minds have been infected with fear and panic about the so called cancer disease. Been pushed constantly between hope and panic in a situation that is the most difficult for the patient creates the cause for the worst of complications. Fear causes stress that is completely detrimental to ones healing. Panic triggers more stress and psychological conflicts and trauma that directly affects the body thus slowing down or even putting on hold the healing process.
Fear and panic is the most affluent in cancer patients and it drains the body of vital healing energy. The more fear and panic present the more vital healing energy is leaving the body and so the patient can't heal and develops complications because the body doesn't have the energy necessary to facilitate and sustain the vital functions of the organism and the natural healing process.
If the patient has lost and depleted 50% to 60% of the healing vital energy that would sustain the healing process it is very difficult for that patient not to have complications as the body does not have the resources and can not sustain itself anymore. We can see the utmost importance of providing the patient with new, fresh energy, the life force required for the body to continue the natural biological healing process.
The human organism is always heading towards healing, is the natural process, but our psyche with its fears, conditioning, beliefs, doubts and indoctrination can over power the brain and create conflicts which hamper the healing process and consumes all the vital life force need it for healing. As the cells need continues energy in their healing process that demand must be provided and psychological states of fear and panic, worry and uncertainty must be dealt with through knowledge and wisdom by understanding that what we have been told about diseases and cancer is not true, that all dis-eases are born in the mind or psyche ( by shocking psychological traumas, events and circumstances) which has a direct influence on the brain thus affecting the whole body, so by recognizing,correcting, dealing with efficiently and forgetting that specific psychological conflict we can undo the whole dis-ease process.
Energy healing offered here for cancer or other serious die-eases is a kind of knowledge that sustains the body during intense healing process and psychological resolution. It also not only sustains the organism with the work of healing but also provides the body with new reserves to continue the natural biological healing that we mistakenly call disease.