The central aspect of this specific energy healing method that I use, which shows to be very effective in treating cancers is the ability to stimulate the brain and its electromagnetic field. When this happens, when the brain is stimulated ( which is the center of our being) by the energy given during the treatment and when the brain resonates with the frequency of the healing energy given at treatment, energy will be generated in the body and the body with all its components will start to regenerate and to heal. The brain coordinates and dictates all the chemical and electrical impulses in the body, from cells to organs, so in fact is the master controller. When new energy is generated in the body, a function that starts in the brain, it will recharge all the cells like a battery and eliminate the cells that are damaged (like cancer cells) or not functioning correctly. Healing happens like this and is highly effective and scientific in the same time. When we recognized the effect that the energy has over our brain and the effect our brain has over our cells and organs we see that there is nothing mysterious about healing, in fact it is scientific and can be proven as such.
I only know that after doing the 3 months plan of energy healing for cancer that Alex does for his clients diagnosed with cancer my 2 breast tumors vanished. It took about 2 months after the 3 months treatment when the doctors after routine check up found the unthinkable: that I had no more tumors. How did all this happened, I don't even care to go into that, what I only care about is that I have my life back and thank god that I did the energy healing treatment first, before any major surgical procedure the doctors were getting me into. So anyone out there considering giving these cancer energy healing treatments a chance, I would say what are you waiting, go for it.
This is what one of my recent clients wrote as a testimonial and I will have to put it on the testimonial page. But I would like to mention that she is indeed one of those people with a strong spirit. She didn't even ask me any question, she didn't worry about the money and if she will get what she wants from the treatment, she just said: "I want to do the treatments, I know it will help me and in the end heal me. I have no questions and doubts about it" I wish more of my clients have this kind of attitude. It is inspiring to see this kind of determination and power in front of the unknown. Nobody has yet been able to prove the existence of a universal life force energy in a laboratory and it will never happen because they are looking for something that is already present and has always been and it will always be. It is always present in us and around us, there is no effort to be made to get to it because it is already here. To convince yourself of this fact is just to experience it and see its effects and so you will prove to yourself of its existence, no need to wait for some scientist in a lab coat.
This universal life force energy is also what some people call universal consciousness. That is why we are never separated from the universe and its energetic information. Every cell and atom is a universe in itself, nothing is separated and so we can plug in and absorb energetic or life force information and this is used for healing. Just let the life force energy do the work, there is nothing you can do but just step out of the way. relax, there is no magical pill you can take to fix you. The body heals itself, you just have to step aside and let the natural or universal intelligence of the body which is the life force to do the healing. Somehow a lot of people say that they know this and they understand it but somehow when the shit hits the fan the first thing to do is put ourselves in the hands of some doctors and bunch of their tests ( I wander where would doctors be and how competent would they be without relaying on all their tests and equipment). We have become slaves to our habits, conditioning and believes. How hard and difficult is to change the ways we are doing things when we get sick ? must be very difficult indeed because since the age of about 3 years old we are told that the guys in the white coats, the doctors are the ones that will fix us and take care of our health. My friends, healing has to do with becoming free, breaking the chains of conditioning and habit and opening up and accepting the wisdom of our body and that which is running and keeping it alive, that being the life force energy. It takes guts and courage to do the following:..Do nothing, rest,...the body heals itself. Healing has nothing to do with medicine. She has reported that her discomfort, pain and swelling is on the left side, right under the left breast this is where the doctors told her that the hiatal hernia has pulled thru. During the treatment she felt pulling in sensations at the top of stomach several times during the session, also a lot of gurgling. She felt a lot of relief and no pain after the treatment. This shows that during the distance energy healing treatment the energy was working exactly where the problem was, repairing the condition and returning the body and the organ affected to normal function. This is exactly what happens and what the energy is doing during every treatment, is repairing and building up the body to its normal function no matter what the health condition is.
Here is some feedback.
The first thing that I noticed during the session is a tremendous amount of heat on my back. I also noticed the following: 1. experienced laughter, sadness and yawning within different times 2. something unknown sensation in my head 3. some feeling of positive energy coming into my hand going through my body I experienced continuous release of my emotions including laughter, sadness and yawning. Also some tingling sensations on my legs and arms. I experienced twitches on my entire body and some racing thoughts were coming into my mind while the session was going on. I felt some sensations on my legs but the most important thing that has happened within the last 4 days is that I am getting answers to questions that I once thought were impossible. Hey there! Yesterday I had some twitching on my right side of the face…which was ironic b/c during my second pregnancy in 2006 I had bells palsy on the right side. After a few minutes started to cry for no reason (I think deep down I’m still grieving over husband). Kept relaxed during the whole time otherwise with my eyes closed. I kept seeing a shade of purple? Maybe it’s just b/c my eyes were closed? Today it almost felt like I was starting to have some of the twitching again, but it didn’t come on like yesterday. I’ve already been experiencing flank pain on one side of my kidneys and there’s no change with that…but I do feel like weights are being lifted a little bit…have a little bit more energy. Had my eyes closed again today, still saw shades of purple lol. Today the healing session was energizing for me. I felt gentle healing and caring energies throughout my body. This time I immediately felt a great sense of peace. This peace allowed me to go into a meditative state where I was just being aware of the feelings that occurred. Overall I believe that the session went very well. I felt the strong energy come through and I felt different energy channels opening up to flow more energy; particularly on my right side above my head. I feel as though my body is responding the purifying and I am glad to be receiving these energies. My upper back feels warmth and relaxing sensations. I look forward to continuing, see you tomorrow.
a client after the second treatment: " Awesome!! Yesterday I had a completely different feeling then today.
Yesterday was more an overall energy sensation that entered my body and moved from quadrant to quadrant. Today I did not feel that same feeling, rather, a warm heart and a coolness that was centered in the back of my neck and on the right side towards the bad shoulder You have and think you own a body and mind - This is the deep embedded belief and this is why you seek healing because as long as this belief and attachment is there suffering will also be there. As long there is a mind and body the need for healing will be there. No"body" wants to suffer and feel unwell, unloved, ect..[....]
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